Three Steps For World Building

As a fantasy writer, I spend a lot of time thinking about the worlds my characters inhabit. Solid world building is essential to the story. If done well, readers become immersed in the tale, but when it’s done poorly, they notice it and put down your novel.

Here are Three Steps For Worldbuilding that will help create believable worlds in unbelievable settings:

Physical Geography and Climate

You should have a good sense of the physical world you’ve created for your characters to navigate. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Create a map, even if this map is just for your own reference.
  • Think through how geography informs society. Does a mountain range serve as protection from a neighboring army? Do coastal cultures use the waterways for trading?
  • Understand the climate. How do people have to adapt to their climate? How does the climate in different regions impact how society functions in those areas? Does it affect food production, clothing needs, travel conditions?

Rules and Consistency

Forr fantasy, you are likely to have magic in your story. Here are some things to consider when building these elements into your world:

  • Know how the magic works. Who can wield it, and what it can do? Equally as important, understand its limits, or the cost of using it.
  • Consider its impact on people and society. Once you’ve introduced magic into your world, it is now quite different from our world. You’ll need to think through the effects it will have on the people and the culture.
  • Death must be real, or only reversed with dire cost. No amount of magic should easily combat death, because if death has no meaning, the stakes for your characters aren’t high enough.
  • Be consistent with applying the rules. Readers will notice.

Social and Economic Constructs

Unless your character has crash-landed on an uninhabited world, you’ll need to think about culture and society. Here are some things to consider:

  • How does the government function? Who holds power? Who are the disenfranchised? Are there different forms of government in different regions?
  • Does religion play a role in the society? If so, how? What are the tenants of that faith? Are there consequences for non-believers? Are there different interpretations of the same religion?
  • How important is an origin story to your culture? Is that origin story based on real history or mythology?
  • What does the infrastructure look like? People communicate, travel, use water, eat, etc. How are these things managed?

By thinking through the physical terrain you’ve created and the important pieces of culture, science, or magic that exist there, you will have created a consistent, believably unbelievable world in which readers can experience the story alongside your characters.

But creating an imaginative backdrop is only one part of crafting a speculative story, and good world-building will only take you so far.

Next week I’ll go beyond the basics to discuss problems and pitfalls with world-building, ideas on revealing the world through our characters, and tips on creating depth through complexity.

Post your comments and answers below. If you think someone has an interesting point of view and answer, please invite them or share this post with them.

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10 thoughts on “Three Steps For World Building

    • I’m glad I can help you with your world building 😃
      My favourite parts of world building would be the cities and kingdoms. I like to choose a suitable and logical location on my map, so the people can get the basic needs of water and food. After that, would be the different cultures of the kingdoms and how they differ from one another.
      What is your favourite/ most challenging part of world building?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you so much for replying! 🙂
    My favourite part of world-building is the culture and mythology and history.
    I think making rules is the most challenging!
    P.S. Your site is very beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people

    • The mythology and history is an exciting and fun part of the process. There are so many aspects of world-building that I love.
      Thank you.
      I’m glad you like my site and hopefully my writing tips can help you build worlds and characters for your stories 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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