First novel finished! 

I finished the draft of my first novel!!! 
I couldn’t be any more excited and proud of myself. Four months ago I started my book and this what it looks like now; 5 A4 books and 2 A5 art diaries. 

I don’t have a title for it. There are a few I wrote down but until I am 100% sure I will leave it as Untitled. 

For those that seem the light is far away, don’t give up ✌️😃 — feeling proud.

#DWTSmith #accomplished

28 thoughts on “First novel finished! 

  1. Congrats! But the book is far from finished! The first draft is the easiest part. Don’t lose focus and effort now!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations!! I know it is a heady feeling when you finish. Hold on to your passion and keep writing.

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